- Soil Preparation & Root Development
- Download Catalogue Bharat Prom is 100% safe and Eco-Friendly product. It contains 100% available form of Phosphorus which plant uptakes easily. Apart from Phosphorus it also contains Calcium, Zinc, Ferrous, Magnesium in sufficient percentage which fulfills the plants nutrition requirement from soil. Bharat Prom is manufactured by using minerals including Rock Phosphate, Dolemite and Organic Matter from Biogas Slurry by…
- Soil Preparation & Root Development
Green Gold (Per 25 KG)
- Download Catalogue GREEN GOLD is pure, solid, organic fertilizer made by using cow dung based slurry from biogas plant. It is produced by special dual composting techniques comprising of 1st anaerobic then aerobic digestion resulting into fully decomposed, free from harmful bacteria and fungi, weed free, uniform material. It is then fortified with various beneficial microbes like Azotobacter (Nitrogen Fixer),…
- Soil Preparation & Root Development
Sporemax (Per KG)
- Download Catalogue Sporemax is a granular bio-fertilizer containing mycorrhiza fungi in granule form. It is made using all forms of mycorrhiza i.e.: ecto & endo spores, mycelium & root particle with vesicle in a single formulation.