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Bharat Bio Nourish is the first-of-its-kind liquid organic fertilizer made from cow dung which is ‘Black Gold’ for the plants. It is a fermented culture of Bio Gas slurry made up of cow dung and cow’s urine. After decomposition, slurry is filtered through micro filters then it is enriched with beneficiary microbes. The decomposed slurry is naturally very rich in organic carbon, humic acid, fulvic acid and amino acids.
Bharat CS is a bio- fertilizer containing mixture of live microbes having Azotobacter(N), Phosphorus bacteria(P), Potassium bacteria(K), which helps in enhancing the soil fertility by fixing atmospheric nitrogen, mobilizing potash, solubilizing phosphate and decomposing organic waste and there by producing plant growth substances.
GREEN GOLD is pure, solid, organic fertilizer made by using cow dung based slurry from biogas plant.
It is produced by special dual composting techniques comprising of 1st anaerobic then aerobic digestion resulting into fully decomposed, free from harmful bacteria and fungi, weed free, uniform material. It is then fortified with various beneficial microbes like Azotobacter (Nitrogen Fixer), PSB (Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria), KMB (Potash Mobilizing Bacteria) and micronutrients.
Sporemax is a granular bio-fertilizer containing mycorrhiza fungi in powder form. It is made using all forms of mycorrhiza i.e.: ecto & endo spores, mycelium & root particle with vesicle in a single formulation.
I-ZAP is an insecticide for Control of White Flies & Aphids on crops, especially Roses. It is eco friendly, herbal water extract with no chemical as solvent or preservative. I-ZAP is a unique molecule derived from plant extracts and oils based on the principles of allopathy.
Mode of Action: I-ZAP is primarily targeted for harmful pest and upsets the digestion system of pests and there by removing them completely.
Mixing instructions: Half fill the spray tank with water. Add the required amount of I-ZAP then fill the water to the required level and mix or agitate thoroughly to uniformity. Spray immediately after mixing.
Biogas Project is always considered as only Biogas project but it is also a Organic Manure project of the same importance.
BBEAL has setup its own R & D center and having team of scientist and research associates for developing products and continuous
BBEL with its expert team and R & D team has developed range of Organic Input items for Farming. Our main focus is to replace
We provide guidance & assistance for various certifications.
BBEAL has its own Plantation Project of Pomegranate, Banana, Thai Guava, Thai Lemon, Red Guava etc on more than 1000 acre
BBEAL has its own Dairy Unit where more than 1000 cows are there. It is a modern dairy farm equipped with all technology.
We envision a “Black Revolution”, where cow dung (Goberdhan) is collected from the villages through co-operative society, just like present milk collection system. Each farmer is payed for selling cow dung thus help increase farmerʼs income and hence strengthen our farmer community. Ours is Indiaʼs largest Cow dung bank having 1,20,00,000 liters of Liquid manure. This initiative would also play a
major role in cleaner and hygienic environments with optimal waste management.
This is a valuable contribution to the “Organic Mission” by encouraging usage of organic manure in the community and to provide healthier organic produce for long term well-being of mankind. We are actively involved in educating farmers regarding the benefits of organic produce and decrease the usage of chemical fertilizers and pesticide. We provide nutritional program for all type of crops and provide many organic products at an affordable cost. We promote the concept of “Residue free Farming” by reducing the harmful impact of chemicals and pesticides.
BBEL has its own state-of-the art modern Laboratory with latest infrastructure to promote research and development in Organic Agri-products. It has a team of scientists and research associates that are constantly engaged in developing organic products and pave the way for Greener future.
We produce environment friendly Bio CNG which is a part of green renewable energy. It will improve carbon credit decreases pollution.
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